60minute-Seder: "Complete Passover Haggadah"
This unique Haggadah has the look and feel of a glossy, hi-style magazine. 60minute-Seder™ celebrates all 15 parts of the Seder and presents the Passover story in dramatic fashion with gorgeous full-page illustrations, just enough Hebrew, and Seder songs. Rabbinically approved, 60minute-Seder™ engages the entire family for a truly memorable Passover experience.Celebrates all 15 parts of the Seder in their proper order
Rabbinically approved—acceptable to any congregation
Rabbi-edited to ensure all essential Seder rituals and familiar traditions are present
Essential prayers written in English, Hebrew, with transliteration
Easy to follow color-coded cues and instructions for the leader and participants
Beautiful, full page color photographs and illustrations make this Haggadah interesting and fun to use
Popular Seder songs as well as a fun Passover quiz are included
Shortened versions of the Birkat Hamazon and Hallel are provided
8.5" x 11" 48 color pages